I have a working installation of Tor. I am able to both access hidden services and proxy my clear-net traffic through Tor. My main source of traffic so far has been HTTP. I would like to know how I can use Tor to access remote computers through the use of SSH. I would like answers for the major operating systems: Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X.

tor runs a proxy on, because we setup a ProxyCommand in the ~/.ssh/config file, all of your traffic goes through the tor proxy, git uses your new ssh key because you added IdentityFile and IdentitiesOnly to your ~/.ssh/config file. Jira and other tools can only be accessed through our intranet so I'd like to use SOCKS to proxy my web browser traffic using firefox and my tunnel. On my remote machine I route traffic through port 43022 and then to port 22 on my local network. ssh -R 43022:localhost:22 home@home_external_ip At home I access the remote machine using that port. We believe everyone should be able to explore the internet with privacy. We are the Tor Project, a 501(c)3 US nonprofit. We advance human rights and defend your privacy online through free software and open networks. Meet our team. If I put a sniffer on the ssh server, it can sniff the data that is being forwarded through an unsecure protocol (e.g http) that was encapsulated through the connection to it ? If I understand correctly, this is impossible with tor because the data is being encrypted. May 29, 2020 · You can configure SSH to automatically connect to these through Tor, without affecting other types of connections. An entry similar to the following can be added to ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config : Host *.onion VerifyHostKeyDNS no ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:9050 -X 5 %h %p They all have public IPs but only accept SSH connections from IPs within a particular range. I think when SSH goes through TOR, the SSH server considers the connection from the exit node, whose IP is not in that range. I will use private IPs for the SSH between these machines. – Amy Yu Jul 15 '17 at 4:42

Aug 24, 2015

OpenWrt Tor proxy and anonymizing middlebox setup guide Sep 25, 2018

doc/ConnectOverSSH – Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki

Sep 25, 2018 · I initially though about it, but there was a problem, as all connections are redirected to Tor network, there was no way to access the SSH server from a client connected through LAN cable. And I definitely not want to open up the SSH port for the WAN interface. Tor should be installed on both the client and the VPS running the SSH server. Be sure to follow the above steps on both systems. Step 2: Creating an Onion Service on the Server . The Tor process is likely to run immediately after installation, so as root (sudo ), stop the process. Use the command systemctl . One such method is with the help of Tor. With Tor, you can add a level of anonymity and even hide your services from prying/hacking eyes. I’m going to walk you through the process of making SSH connections over Tor. The process isn’t terribly difficult so anyone that administers SSH should be able to make this work. In the scan log we can see the ‘chain’ that goes from Tor-proxy ( to our scanned host (217.xx.xx.xx). Nmap Through Tor: Get Round Blocked Endpoints. It is possible that we will encounter a situation where scan fails, because Tor endpoints are blocked. The solution may be in adding common public proxy server to the ‘chain’.