Aug 12, 2004

Ensure a process is always running - Unix & Linux Stack What is the recommended way of start and supervise daemons on Arch Linux? 1. Building a process Watchdog. 14. Linux: Writing a watchdog to monitor multiple processes. 5. How to restart a process automatically when it killed in linux/CentOS. 4. Cron job to check if PHP script is … [SOLVED] supervise daemons - Nov 20, 2011 Supervise | Definition of Supervise by Merriam-Webster

With runit, it's easy to delegate management rights of a service to users (chown and chmod some files in the pertinent supervise directory). This should continue to work. Prerequisites . A fairly recent vserver kernel with support for persistent contexts (I used

Supervisor: A Process Control System — Supervisor 4.2.0 Supervisor: A Process Control System¶. Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. Linux后台进程管理利器:supervisor - 廖雪峰的官方网站 Linux的后台进程运行有好几种方法,例如nohup,screen等,但是,如果是一个服务程序,要可靠地在后台运行,我们就需要把它做成daemon,最好还能监控进程状态,在意外结束时能自动重启。


Super User Linux (Super User Access to Root Privileges) PCTG The Linux super user, or root user, is a special user that has tremendous power, with the ability to access and modify all files on the operating system. This is necessary at times, but there is a potential for accidental errors to cause a great deal of destruction, so you have to be careful. Ensure a process is always running - Unix & Linux Stack What is the recommended way of start and supervise daemons on Arch Linux? 1. Building a process Watchdog. 14. Linux: Writing a watchdog to monitor multiple processes. 5. How to restart a process automatically when it killed in linux/CentOS. 4. Cron job to check if PHP script is … [SOLVED] supervise daemons - Nov 20, 2011