Run As Option for Adding Printers in Windows XP | CoNetrix

Setting System Access Permissions on Windows XP. To set permissions on Windows XP: Select Start Settings Control Panel.. In the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools.. In Administrative Tools, open Local Security Policy.. In the Local Security Settings window, expand the tree for Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.. Right-click the required user right, and select Properties. Enable Standard Users to Run A Program with Admin Right Apr 20, 2016 Nov 26, 2019 · To run a task as an administrator is, clearly, only useful if you're not already an admin user. If you're logged in to Windows as a regular, standard user, you can choose to open something as a different user that does have administrative rights so that you can avoid having to log out and then log back in as the administrator only to perform

How to Run Printers & Faxes as an Administrator in XP. The right-click menu associated with most Windows XP programs gives you the option to run those programs as an administrator (or other standard user). However, when you right-click on applets in the Control Panel, such as Printers and Faxes, you will not see

When executing command lines, it is usually necessarry to run them as administrator. You simply do this in : Win XP: run field - type cmd and press Ctrl, Shift and enter then you start cmd as administrator. In Windows 7: search programs and files field - type cmd and press Ctrl, Shift and enter then you start cmd as administrator Jan 31, 2019 · This is what you need to do to quickly run an app in admin mode from Start. Find the program icon in Start. Press and hold the Ctrl + Shift keys and click on the program tile or icon. You can also accomplish this via the Run window. Press Win + R to bring up the Run dialog box. Type the name of the program that you want to open in elevated mode.

Create a Shortcut. Right click on the desktop and make a new shortcut. Type …

How to Force an MSI Package to Install Using Administrator Jul 10, 2017 Runas | Microsoft Docs The use of runas is not restricted to administrator accounts, although that is the most common use. Any user with multiple accounts can use runas to run a program, MMC console, or Control Panel item with alternate credentials. If you want to use the Administrator account on your computer, for the /user: parameter, type one of the following: