My question is why we still need to use command ip default-gateway since the router still can reach the switch from other network without the ip default-gateway. If you don't add the ip default-command to the switch, the switch can only reach hosts in the local subnet ( and no other subnet.

Afterwards, check fi the new default gateway is properly configured: # lsattr -El inet0 # odmget -q"attribute=route" CuAtAnd ofcourse, try to ping the IP address of the default gateway and some outside address. Now reboot your system and check if the default gateway remains configured on the correct interface. And startup HACMP again! Default Gateway Archives | If you are connecting to the router using a network cable make sure to check all the connections, and get rid of any unnecessary splitters. Check if is your router IP. Open your Command Prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter. Look for Default Gateway. If it … networking - Default gateway gone after restart The static assignment is working fine, but I can't access the external network because there's no default gateway. pi@raspberry:~ $ route -n Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 202 0 0 eth0 If I run sudo dhclient or route add default …

macos - How to get default gateway in Mac OSX - Stack Overflow

A gateway is works as the entrance or a door between two networks. A router is an example of the gateway. All your traffic goes to the router and then to the rest of the internet. Sometimes, you’ll need to know the IP address of your router. The gateway IP is your router’s IP address in the normal setup. What is Default Gateway? & How to Check Default Gateway A Default Gateway is a node (router) in a computer network. A Default Gateway server as an IP A router that a network computer used to send data to a computer in another network or Internet. The Internet wouldn’t be any use to us without a gateway.

PowerShell Function: Testing the Default Gateway with Test

How to Find the IP Address, Subnet Mask & Gateway of a Computer. Like an employee's social security number, every computer, smartphone or wireless device that uses your company's network has a unique IP, or Internet Protocol, address assigned to it. You can find a computer's IP address, the subnet mask