I previously answered a question, Is Bob Lazar credible? I shall provide that answer below as I feel it suffices here. Physicist Stanton Friedman, a serious UFO researcher, attempted to check the background of Bob Lazar.

Bob Lazar did not go to MIT or Cal Tech, he barely graduated highschool Discussion. Close It wasn't long before debunkers found holes in Lazar's story. Most damaging was the revelation that Lazar had lied about his academic and employment history, including his claim that he holds degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and previously worked as a senior scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratories. Jun 27, 2019 · Netflix added a documentary about Bob Lazar, who claims to have worked at Area 51 in the '80s. His interview with Joe Rogan covers a lot of ground from Zeta Reticuli to ancient aliens and more. Lazar also stuck to his story in the face of a criminal conviction even though both MIT and Cal Tech have gone on record stating that Lazar never attended. While it is possible that Lazar was ghosted in order to discredit him, it is still very odd that no one who attended MIT or Cal Tech can corroborate his claim. Jun 28, 2019 · Bob Lazar once made a bus trip to Cambridge Mass. and paid a visit to the MIT campus, wandered around some hallways, poked his nose into a few classes and sat in on a lecture for a little while before he left the hall when challenged, making some

In response to questions at the “Ultimate UFO Seminar” in Rachael, NV in May of 1993, Lazar was so kind as to offer up the names of two of his instructors at Caltech and MIT, a “Dr. Duxler” as well as “Hohsfield”. He even spelled them.

The denials of Bob Lazar’s academic and work credentials by the US authorities is the prescription of evil that dooms us all.Particularly those who want to inform the public of the truth of the ET alien presence on the planet. This man Lazar has suffered so much for his integrity and belief in humanity. Bob Lazar made Area 51 famous with his claims that he worked on a project to back engineer alien spacecraft at a location called S4 near the secretive Area 51 base. For decades after Lazar’s claims were well-known, the government denied the existence of Area 51 until finally conceding its existence 4 years ago. I remember watching the original story of bob lazar on discovery 20 years ago. He was drinking beers and telling his neighbors they test fly the aircraft every Wednesday. So he takes neighbor out and they film. He may be full of shit, but those aircraft were doing things nothing then or today are capable of.

May 29, 2015 · BOB LAZAR. The uncomfortable possibility of truth. by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. PART I. It’s time to shake things up, press the red button and initiate the launch sequence. Keeping it real just came back in style, and Ufology is due for a proper makeover. I used to believe that Bob Lazar's story was a fabrication.

Bob Lazar did NOT predict Element 115! May 1989 issue of Scientific American did! The same exact year and month that Bob claims he was working out at the Top Secret S-4 Facility on Papoose Dry Lake, an article was published in Scientific American which gives all of the scientific and technical information that Bob would later use to defend his claims of an Island of Stability and a always yet Nov 28, 2018 · Lazar states that he would sometimes be called into work at 11pm, so that means Bob would probably have noticed lights in the sky over area 51 (perhaps staff transport planes or even secret advanced military test flights, so perhaps Lazar just noted the times when he saw lights flying over area 51. [attach video clip Knapp in Denmark 2014 saying he thinks Lazar never went to Caltech/MIT.] In the new “autobiography,”Lazar never mentions Caltech, and mentions MIT only once, on page 23, claiming he was sent there while working at Los Alamos (“[I was] grateful to the folks at MESA for sending me to MIT to further my education . . .”). May 04, 2020 · Robert Lazar (1959–) is a double-edged sword of a UFO crank.On the one hand, he's a pathological liar with a long laundry list of fantasies about working at Area 51.On the other hand, he runs United Nuclear, one of the very few chemical supply houses still supplying as many unrestricted chemicals as possible to amateur chemists. A recent documentary, Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers, directed by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, tells Lazar’s story of alleged government work with flying saucers. While the documentary was being made, Lazar alleged that an FBI raid occurred on his business, United Nuclear Scientific, which some have previously argued could not be proven. In response to questions at the “Ultimate UFO Seminar” in Rachael, NV in May of 1993, Lazar was so kind as to offer up the names of two of his instructors at Caltech and MIT, a “Dr. Duxler” as well as “Hohsfield”. He even spelled them. Jul 17, 2019 · In this video, we dissect the story that Bob Lazar has been telling everyone and why it is all one big lie. If you enjoy, please subscribe!